How to Delete Cash App History? Download Cash App History

· Cash App
How to Delete Cash App History

Are you looking to delete the Cash App account history for any reason? To do so, it would be wise to understand How to Delete Cash App History first. In today’s blog post, we are going to help you by letting you know the way of deleting history. Apart from that, you can also have the right option to download the Cash App history before closing your account.

So, whenever you find yourself in the need of downloading or deleting your Cash App account history. You must refer to the following procedure. So, instead of wander in for the same, you must refer to the blog post below.

How to Download Cash App History before Deleting Your Account?

To download the history from your Cash App account, follow these steps and guidelines:

  • Log in to your Cash App account.
  • Moreover, you must choose the ‘Settings’ option.
  • Select the ‘Download Your Info’ option and move ahead.
  • Furthermore, you should opt forthe ‘Activity’ option.
  • Moreover, you will need to choose the ‘Statements’ option.
  • Select the ‘Export’option to download a copy of the history.

By going through the above procedure, you must download the Cash App history. After downloading the history of your Cash App account, you can continue with the Cash App Account closure procedure.

How to Delete Cash App Account to Delete Cash App History?

As you know there is no way of deleting your Cash App account history, you might find a alternative. In other words, you can delete your Cash App account history by permanently deleting your Cash App Account.

To go with Cash App account closure, you must follow these steps and guidelines:

  1. Open the Cash App home screen after signing in to your account.
  2. In the next step, you should choose the ‘Profile’ icon
  3. Furthermore, you need to choose the ‘Support’ option.
  4. Moreover, you should also find the ‘Something Else’ option; just select it.
  5. Also, you will have to choose the ‘Account Settings’ option.
  6. Also, you must select the ‘Delete Your Personal Information’option.
  7. Finally, you have to choose the ‘Customer Support’ option.

By implementing the above procedure, you can delete your Cash App account. As you delete your account, you get rid of your history part with optimum ease.

However, you might also face some difficulties and loopholes while deleting Cash App history. In such a critical situation, it would be good to determine a way of contacting Cash App support executives. Further, these customer support professionals will suggest the right solutions handle your problems.


With the above guide, you can clarify How to Delete Cash App History. Once you determine the right guidance, you can apply the instructions to clear off history.

However, by referring to the above solutions, you can clear off the history from your Cash App account. Also to this, you can also visit the official Cash App support page where you can have additional details.

Apat from that, if you are looking to find more about the same, you must refer to our website. Also, whenever you find any issue with the above topic, this blog post helps you out in every possible manner.

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